Forever: Season 1, Episode 2 “Look Before You Leap”


“After Henry pegs the case of a would-be bridge jumper as a homicide while the police label it a suicide, he and Jo go on a rogue investigation for proof. Meanwhile, Henry’s anonymous caller surfaces again. Apparently, he has been tracking him for years. A letter on antique stationery might provide Henry a fascinating clue about the caller, and he enlists Abe’s help in tracing the note’s history to a foreign locale. Revealing flashbacks unveil the beginning of Henry’s great love affair with his soon-to-be wife, Abigail.”




44 minutes

Originally Aired:

September 23, 2014

Thoughts Before Watching:

I remember that the first two episodes aired within the same week, and that I was already hooked after the very first night because it was just that good. I also remember that even though I had to stay to watch TV for an extra hour, it was well worth it because it was such a cool show.

Thoughts After Watching:

Another cool episode. More insight into Henry’s past/his romantic struggles. The story about the girl, her affair with her professor and how she dies is both scandalous and tragic.

The mysterious calls from the strange man are becoming easier and easier to predict. He always somehow knows where Henry is, and he calls that place and asks whoever Henry is with if he can speak with him. It’s kinda like how Bourne is always watching Pam and telling her she looks tired.

Fun Fact:

Apparently Abe’s tattoo of numbers from the Holocaust is inaccurate because babies were rarely tattooed, and if they were it wouldn’t be on their arms because baby arms are too small to tattoo. I wondered about this, but in the end the inaccuracy doesn’t bother me that much because it probably would’ve been pretty awkward for them to go straight from a shot of a baby’s leg or butt, to Judd Hirsch’s leg or…yeah.

Notable Quote:

“Not everybody can remain 35 forever!”


“No Rest for the Wicked” by Lykke Li


That’s all I have for today! Adios, Sassquatchers! Until next time!

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Forever: Season 1, Episode 1 “Pilot”


“Henry Morgan, an immortal, searches for the man who caused a subway train accident. Meanwhile, a mysterious call informs Henry that someone knows his secret.”




44 minutes

Originally Aired:

September 22, 2014

Thoughts Before Watching:

I remember being really excited to watch this show. I thought the premise was interesting and the commercials made it look really good. This of course was back when ABC still took chances on their programs, instead of just making more procedural mini-series’ and reality shows. I also thought the main star, Ioan Gruffudd, was extremely attractive, because of course.

Thoughts After Watching:

Even after watching just the first episode of this show, I remember why I never watch procedural dramas (this being one of the rare exceptions). Maybe I’m a huge wimp, but I don’t enjoy staring at cut-up dead bodies, even if they aren’t real it still majorly grosses me out. Henry’s story is so compelling and also tragic; he also has an extremely complicated relationship with death. He wants to be a master of it, but so he can learn how to die. He’s already been alive for 200 years at this point, and quite frankly, he’s getting tired of it.

Fun Fact:

Henry Morgan is also the name of the main character in “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” by Mark Twain, and it is also the full name of Captain Morgan (as in the alcohol mascot).

Notable Quote:

“I’ve spent my entire life studying the human body, and I can say with scientific certainty, that what keeps us alive, more important than blood or oxygen or even love, is hope.”


That’s all I have for today! Adios, Sassquatchers! Until next time!


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I’m Going To Work Harder To Be Better

I just wanted to say that I’ve been slacking in a lot of areas of my life, and I want to change that. Some of it is just because I’m lazy, some of it is for more serious reasons. But whether it means posting on here more frequently or working to be more honest about my feelings to people in my life or just getting proper amounts of sleep, I am very much a work-in-progress.

I’m not where I want to be yet and that’s ok. I’m still young, I still have time to do things I want to do. As long as I’m working hard to reach my goals and trying my absolute best, at the end of the day that’s all that really matters. Right? Maybe.

That’s all I have for today! Adios, Sassquatchers! Until next time!

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29 Facts About Me

I know when people do these kinds of things, they usually do them in 50s. But seeing as 29 is my lucky number, and I don’t think I could come up with 50 things about myself if my life depended on it, here are 29 really interesting (or really weird) things:

  1. I have three siblings: two older sisters and one younger brother.
  2. My favorite color is purple.
  3. I’ve dyed my hair various times and various colors, most recently May 29, and Manic Panic’s Wildfire (my third application of that lovely shade). I’m planning on going back to my natural blonde soon, but I definitely won’t stick with it for very long.
  4. I’m known for either wearing totally ridiculous, bright, colorful eye makeup and lipstick, or absolutely no makeup at all.
  5. Most of my “outfits” consist of oversized t-shirts for boys and gym shorts or sweatpants, sometimes all covered up by an even more oversized hoodie. I dress for comfort.
  6. About a year ago, I worked in a doggy daycare for about a week before I was fired for not wanting to do something that would potentially kill my dog (more on that later).
  7. About three years ago, I worked at Six Flags during Fright Fest as a character in one of the haunted houses there, and I’m hoping to do so again this year.
  8. I’ve known that I wanted to be an actress for about seven years, but have done relatively nothing to realize that dream because I am afraid of being a failure/people thinking I’m a failure.
  9. According to my mother, when I was born my clavicle bone was either broken by the doctor so I could fit, or it was already broken when I came out and nobody noticed until a few months later.
  10. I have an extremely rare, almost unheard of brain stem/spinal condition called a chiari malformation (look it up). It is not life-threatening by itself, but it can make you uncomfortable in a lot of ways and can be dangerous to have if you are in a car accident or collision of any kind. I’m hoping I won’t have to have surgery to correct it, but to be honest I’m still not sure.
  11. I was a Ghostbuster for Halloween last year in anticipation of the Paul Feig film that just came out (which I haven’t seen yet). I bought a plain jumpsuit online, and two Ghostbusters symbol patches: one for the jumpsuit and one for a hoodie I had that was boring and needed spicing up. I plan on wearing the jumpsuit when I do finally go see the movie with my mom.
  12. I look more like my dad than like my mom; I get mistaken for a boy fairly often, sometimes even when I have long hair.
  13. I just went on a camping trip in Michigan, and am planning on going on an East Coast adventure in a couple of weeks.
  14. I (and pretty much everyone else in my family) recently became obsessed with the restaurant chain McAlister’s.
  15. I am EXTREMELY introverted and a wallflower, which means that even though I do enjoy a nice long conversation between one or two friends from time to time, I absolutely HATE going to parties and I get intense social anxiety whenever I go to a gathering of any kind.
  16. Even though I am overweight (many might say obese), I am in fairly good health and get great blood test results.
  17. I love dancing, and I became obsessed with Zumba at the beginning of this year when I found out that I could take classes at my gym. I stopped going for a while but I’m trying to get back into it.
  18. My blood type is O Positive; I donated blood twice in my sophomore year of high school (the first time on my 16th birthday!). I haven’t done it since going vegetarian/vegan, I’ve tried several times but they sent me away each time for not having enough iron in my blood. I hope to try again soon, preferably even before the year is out.
  19. My cat is my very best friend.
  20. I love singing, and I am currently trying to get more confident singing in front of other people.
  21. I’m really good with animals, I get along with pretty much every animal I meet.
  22. In many ways I wish I could go back to owning a flip-phone, but I still want an Apple Watch.
  23. I enjoy people-watching, or as I like to call it, “silently staring at and judging strangers at the mall.”
  24. I currently have one tattoo, it is of Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas and I got it nearly three years ago. I have plans for many more; the next ones I’m thinking of getting are a demon tattoo from Jackie Chan Adventures and a tree star from The Land Before Time, both on my ankles.
  25. I’m about to fly on a plane for the first time in years. I have no idea what that’s gonna be like, good hopefully.
  26. I almost never wear shoes in the summertime, I like to build up the bottoms of my feet so they’re nice and thick and crunchy.
  27. I constantly worry about my future but almost never actually do anything to lessen these fears.
  28. I once had a Twitter conversation about boobies with William Shatner.
  29. I am not, nor have I ever been, attracted to guys my own age. If you’re not AT LEAST twenty years older than me, get out.

That’s all I have for today! Adios, Sassquatchers! Until next time!

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